Monday 12 August 2013

Casting myself as a player-reviewer

Hello everyone,

I thought i'd introduce myself as a player and what better way to do such a thing than by , posting about the first game I have ever played.

This would have to be the Broken Sword: The shadow of the templars. It was a great adventure game that offered you a great story, an outstanding graphics at the time and all for a great price.
Once completed i got myself addicted to the genre and I started to try to find the other games in the collection. I was so ingrossed into the story of the two characters that I'd see myself play it for hours just to try to pass a puzzle (which by the way are greatly designed and some with quite a high difficulty in my opinion).
I was sad to see it end at game number four and than again happy to hear that they are trying to go back to the bassics of the story and create a 5th game. The 5th game is meant to release on September 2013 and it is said to be returning at its 2D original looks ^_^.
The adventures of Nico Collard and George Stobard have made my days at that time and even now I think its a great game. Even better it has been relaunched and repached with a great graphics modeling giving it a fresh breath of air.

You travel across a high number of destination in the game trying to solve the mistery behind an organisation knows as the Templars.  Though from a historian point of view the subject has been approached before and it has become quite an oversaturated subject, on films and different games, Broken Sword brings its own twist with a great story.

In the game George Stombard find himself into a series of situation that makes him stumble onto Nico an excelent jurnalist whos story is refused to be printed. He feels in need to help her discover the mistery behind everything. This not only makes you fall in love more with the two characters as you change between different perspectives, you feel yourself addictingly fall in love with the world, as you travel to different locations , (Paris , Ireland etc) unlocking memorable funny characters ( Npcs) that George stumbles upon.

All in all i give this game a full price with an amazing gameplay great puzzles that gave me a full return for my money.


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